The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
Suggest to pick "Uncooked" option. Choose "Cooked" option only if you are able to consume it right after pick up. 面可选生或熟,建议选生的回家煮。如果您需要取餐后立刻食用才选煮熟的选项。 Please follow cooking instruction on the to-go box precisely。 请参考外卖盒上的烹煮方法。
"Uncooked" option is recommended. Choose "Cooked" option only if you are able to consume it right after pick up. 米线/粉可选生或熟,建议选生的回家煮。如果您需要取餐后立刻食用才选煮熟的选项。 Please follow cooking instruction on the to-go box precisely。 请参考外卖盒上的烹煮方法。