The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
Consumer advisory: please let us know of any dietary preferences or food allergies we should be aware of in the preparation of your meal.
No subbstitutions pork broth spicy option: non-spicy / mild / medium / spicy / extra spicy. Consumer advisory: please let us know of any dietary preferences or food allergies we should be aware of in the preparation of your meal.
Included 2 rice, 1 macaroni & veggie. Consumer advisory: please let us know of any dietary preferences or food allergies we should be aware of in the preparation of your meal.
Included 2 rice, 1 macaroni & veggie. Consumer advisory: please let us know of any dietary preferences or food allergies we should be aware of in the preparation of your meal.
Consumer advisory: please let us know of any dietary preferences or food allergies we should be aware of in the preparation of your meal.
Consumer advisory: please let us know of any dietary preferences or food allergies we should be aware of in the preparation of your meal.
Served for 4 people includes steamed rice, macaroni salad. Consumer advisory: please let us know of any dietary preferences or food allergies we should be aware of in the preparation of your meal.
Included 2 rice, 1 macaroni & veggie. Consumer advisory: please let us know of any dietary preferences or food allergies we should be aware of in the preparation of your meal.
Included 2 rice, 1 macaroni & veggie. Consumer advisory: please let us know of any dietary preferences or food allergies we should be aware of in the preparation of your meal.
Consumer advisory: please let us know of any dietary preferences or food allergies we should be aware of in the preparation of your meal.
Includes steamed rice, macaroni salad & veggies. Consumer advisory: please let us know of any dietary preferences or food allergies we should be aware of in the preparation of your meal.
Consumer advisory: please let us know of any dietary preferences or food allergies we should be aware of in the preparation of your meal.